Montag, 23. Juni 2008

Lanzarote Freestyle Worldcup Day 1

PWA Freestyle part 2, after the Austria Event this is the second Freestyle only Event in 2008, at Costa Teguise at the Canary Island of Lanzarote. After having seen the Training of the guys and girls in the past days, I became pretty courious of how the Competition would be. The favourites after Training were Kiri Thode, Tonky Frans and Gollito Estredo and at the girls fleet I really couldn´t tell what would happen, all girls raised the Level and since only eight girls inscibed for the Event, and only the Top eight, so the Creme de la Creme of Freestyle, would make this Event also for the girls really close.

After the Insciptions around midday, the PWA waisted no time, the seeding was made quickly and the Competition started two hours after the Inscriptions. The first Sailor who managed to impresse Spectators and Judges was german Norman Günzlein, with Burner, Spock into Culo and much more.. Also the next German Andre Paskowski impressed with solid Heats and even won against one of the favourites, Taty Frans, but was than stopped by Teammate, friend and Top Favourite for the 2008 Title, Gollito Estredo. Two Sailors sailed really smart and used the new Freestyle judging format perfectly, Marcilio Browne and Ricardo Campello, which both sailed their way into the semifinal, where they met Gollito Estredo and Kiri Thode. Thode performed hsi best Moves after he had reached his maximum Moves of the Heat already and so lost against Browne, while Estredo had one of his worst Heats of the last two years and gave his ticket into the final to Campello. The Final was packed was worth to be called a worldcup Final. Huge Backloops, lots of Double and Cana Brava Tricks and with Marcilio Browne as winner. But the Final could still not reach the Level of the small Final between Estredo and Thode. Burner, Burner Diablos, Switch Shaka, Switch Goiter, Airfunnels, Puneta into Burner, Spock into Culo, Kono Flips and much more were just performed in perfection. The Judges decided to give third Place to Estredo.

The first women Heat of the day showed already the way of women Freestyle. Yoli de Brendt against Sara Quita. For Yoli her Shakas, Flakas Punetas etc. were just not enough against huge Shaka, Funnel, Punetas, Kono, Eslider540 from Sara Quita. The young Quita from Aruba seemed to be warmed up after the Heat against de Brendt, and with Moves like Gozadas, Switch Flakas, Flaka Diablos, double Flakas, Shaka and Esliders she sailed her way straight onto first Place, with Daida Moreno in second. A little disappointed was Laure Treboux, who just did not quite manage to perform like she did in the last days. But I guess that Treboux and de Brendt will make their way up, with more than excelent women Freestyle

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