Sonntag, 30. September 2007

PWA Freestyle Worldchampion

Congratulations to Brawzinho, the new 2007 Freestyle worldchampion in PWA Windsurfing. In a hard battle he beat actual Worldchampion Gollito Estredo, who won the last Competition at Sylt today and so two out of three worldcup Competitions of 2007 !!!!

pic: PWA/Carter

Donnerstag, 27. September 2007

Tarifa - Spain

Back from Spain after a good time again with lots of Wind, Levante and Poniente I only can recommend you for living, car, equipment.... best Fanatic Windsurf >equipment you get at the Planet Windsurf center in Bolonia

Worldcup Sylt

After a short Trip to the PWA Worldcup at Sylt, some new Pictures are online at my webgalery in