Samstag, 7. November 2009

the real real last day in germany.....

Since some time I´ve been waiting already to finally leave the cold and rainy weather in Germany, spending my time running, biking, skating and in front of my Desktop, just trying to not get sick at all..... after some difficulties with the flights teh time finally has come and I´ll be at my new home very soon and hope the wind, which has blown over and through El Yaque during the past four months, will stay and provide us with some funny days on the water.. The fact that it might be another El Nino Season would be great if true.. El Nino is always good for highwinds without any breaks.... so after one , two not so great Seasons we would be more than happy about it..... Soon I´ll provide you with all latest El Yaque News in and with images galeries in Tom Brendt Foto where I´m jsut uploading the latest Germany Images before getting my Bags on and into the car and run !!!!

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